Vascular experts in Europe began working with Veinwave technology in the late 1990s, and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved it for use in America in 2009. The Veinwave treatment procedure has been widely accepted as a preferred treatment for spider veins. Veinwave delivers localized heat to the spider vein through an insulated 0.0075mm needle, closing off its walls. This stops the blood flow and destroys the spider vein instantaneously.

Veinwave™ Treatment is the safest, most accurate, and most effective treatment available for spider veins on the nose, face, legs, or anywhere a patient finds them to be a concern. The Veinwave treatment lasts

approximately 15 minutes, making it easy to fit into your schedule. Patients may require multiple sessions, but this is dependent on the number of spider veins requiring treatment. After the procedure, patients are able to immediately continue with their normal routine.

When you consult with Dr. Gomez, he will explain all the steps involved in the procedure. Before treatment, you will apply a numbing cream to minimize your discomfort. You will be treated in office and can resume normal activity immediately.

As with all medical treatments, there is some risk involved. The most common Veinwave risks are:

  • A small burn on the skin may appear.
  • Some scaring may appear.
  • Skin Pigmentation may appear.

To minimize these risks, it’s best to avoid sun exposure as much as possible in the first few days following the Veinwave procedure. Remember that this treatment is delivering localized, minor burns to the spider veins, so stay away from additional sun damage.

Take the next step to restore your health. Call 713.932.6251 to schedule a consultation with Dr. Gomez to discuss Veinwave™ as a possible treatment for your spider veins.

Common Questions:

How long does Veinwave treatment take ?

Each session lasts about 15 minutes, and most patients require multiple sessions.

How many Veinwave treatments will I need ?

Some patients only need one treatment session to reach their desired goals. The number of treatments necessary varies between patients, and is dependent on the size of the area and number of spider veins to be treated.

Can I go back to work after Veinwave ?

Yes! Feel free to resume normal activities immediately following the Veinwave procedure. You will need to avoid the sun because the treatment causes minor burns in the skin. In order to prevent scarring and discoloration, keeping your skin safe from sun exposure in the first few days is critical.

Can I exercise after Veinwave ?

Yes, exercise is fine after Veinwave.

Does Veinwave hurt ?

Veinwave treatment delivers a quick burst of heat to the spider vein. Because there is some associated pain, you will apply a prescription numbing cream 3 hours before your appointment to minimize the discomfort from the treatment. Following your session, apply Aquaphor ointment twice daily to promote healing.

How much does Veinwave cost ?

Your cost will depend on the size of the area and number of spider veins requiring treatment.


With Dr. Miguel Gomez

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